The industrial construction industry has faced significant productivity challenges over the years, resulting in escalating costs …
Case Study: Dispatchable & Cleaner Backup Power
Executive Summary: This case study establishes the economic impacts of installing a Wunderlich-Malec Dispatchable Backup Power …
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Accelerate Achievement of Net Zero Goals
Since the ratification of the Paris Climate Accord the US and Europe have significantly reduced emissions, yet little progress has …
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Wunderlich-Malec’s City-Scale Net-Zero Simulation
Wunderlich-Malec developed a City-Scale Net-Zero simulator to help cities and campuses develop and test strategies that achieve …
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Wunderlich-Malec Partners with Cisco on HyperFlex Case Study
Wunderlich-Malec is proud to present the following case study highlighting our continued partnership with Cisco to deliver …
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Wunderlich-Malec and UNH Academia + Industry Collaboration
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) Civil Engineering Department conducts lunch and learn presentations involving students and …
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Accelerating Achievement of Net Zero Goals
Countries, states, cities, and businesses are committing to dramatic reductions in carbon to achieve NetZero emissions. Key …
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Environmental Sustainability: Spotlight on Carbon and its Pivotal Role in Climate Change
The study of the role carbon plays in environmental sustainability is very complex, but fundamental to the understanding of how …
What is the Foundation for a Renewable Grid?
Distribution system operators in the US indicate that there are system design constraints that could limit the deployment of local …
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What is a Utility Microgrid?
A utility microgrid serves a distinct subset of customers within a defined geographic or functional boundary that provides for …
How Does a Microgrid Connect to the Grid?
Microgrids essentially consist of a collection of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). When the buses that connect these DERs and …
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What is a Microgrid?
A microgrid is a decentralized group of electrical generation sources and loads that normally operate connected to and synchronous …